Palliative Care program
Gives Peace of Mind
Enjoy Special Moments
A progressive illness or the process of aging should not mean the end of quality days–in either the enjoyment of lifelong interests or time with loved ones. Our Palliative Care program was designed to assure that both the resident and family enjoy as many special moments as possible. Unlike hospice, it does not require a diagnosis of a terminal illness.
Palliative Caregivers
Our Palliative caregivers are specially trained and board certified. Whether extending a hand to hold, monitoring physical comfort in respect to pain, coordinating a musical or other type of Life Enrichment in the resident’s own room or scheduling our Serenity Room for sharing with family or friends, Palliative Care enables days to be spent meaningfully.
Target Skills
Specialty diets, therapeutic massage, aromatherapy, as well as counseling and education can also be incorporated in an individual care plan.
End-of-Life Care
Very often persons with Alzheimer’s or other dementia cannot describe their personal preferences as they approach the end of life. Our Namaste Care program can be very valuable as part of that end-of-life care. Working with family, we identify elements of someone’s life that can still contribute to comfort and peace of mind. This may include favored foods, music, or familiar scents or sounds.